The Complete Guide to Starting a Virtual Assistant Business

A virtual assistant (VA) is an independent contractor who provides administrative, creative, and/or technical services primarily over the Internet. There are many different types of services a VA can provide, but most VAs specialize in providing a combination of administrative , creative and/or technical services.

The most common type of service a VA provides is administrative support. This can include tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing email and voicemail, composing correspondence, and managing projects. VAS that specialize in providing of administrative support, often have strong organizational skills and experience working in an office environment.

Creative services are another type of service that a VA can provide. This can include tasks such as creating graphics, designing websites, writing content, and managing social media accounts. VAS that specialize in providing creative services, often have strong creative skills and experience working in a creative field.

Technical services are another type of service that a VA can provide. This can include tasks such as setting up and managing email accounts, installing software, and providing technical support. VAS that specialize in providing technical services have often have strong technical skills and experience working in a technical field.

VAS that provide a combination of administrative, creative, and technical services are often called Generalists or Jack-of-All-Trades VAS. These types of VAs can provide a wide range of services to their clients and can often take on more complex projects.

The services a VA can provide are limited only by their skills and experience. Some VAS may also provide additional services, such as accounting, event planning, and pet sitting. VAS that offer additional services often have specialized skills and experience in those areas.

When deciding what services to provide, it is important to consider your target market and the types of clients you want to work with. You should also consider the types of projects you want to take on and the types of skills you have to offer. If you Once you’ve decided what services you want to offer, you can market your business to potential customers .


Are you good at organizing, managing your time, and keeping track of tasks? Do you have great customer service skills? If you answered yes to both questions, you may be wondering how to start a virtual assistant business .

As a Virtual Assistant (VA), you provide administrative, technical and/or creative support to clients who are typically small businesses or entrepreneurs . You work remotely, which means you can operate your VA business from anywhere in the world.

Starting a VA business is a great way to be your own boss and make money doing something you love. Additionally, there is a growing demand for VAS as more and more companies look for ways to save money by outsourcing tasks that can be done remotely.

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How to Start a Virtual Assistant Business : The Complete Guide

If you have great organizational skills, are good at managing your time, and have great customer service skills, you may be wondering how to start a virtual assistant business.

As a Virtual Assistant (VA), you provide administrative, technical and/or creative support to clients who are typically small businesses or entrepreneurs. You work remotely, which means you can operate your VA business from anywhere in the world.

Starting a VA business is a great way to be your own boss and make money doing something you love. Additionally, there is a growing demand for VAS as more and more companies look for ways to save money by outsourcing tasks that can be done remotely.

Find customers

Get started with the right tools and equipment

Stay organized and efficient

Being paid

Now that we’ve covered what a VA does and why you should start a VA business, let’s see how you can get started.

How to Start a Virtual Assistant Business: The Complete Guide

If you have great organizational skills, are good at managing your time, and have great customer service skills, you may be wondering how to start a virtual assistant business.

As a Virtual Assistant (VA), you provide administrative, technical and/or creative support to clients who are typically small businesses or entrepreneurs. You work remotely, which means you can operate your VA business from anywhere in the world.

Starting a VA business is a great way to be your own boss and make money doing something you love. Additionally, there is a growing demand for VAS as more and more companies look for ways to save money by outsourcing tasks that can be done remotely.


As a Virtual Assistant (VA), you will work with clients from all over the world and provide them with administrative, customer service, or technical support . To be successful in this business, you must have a reliable computer and Internet connection, as well as a quiet place to to work.

In terms of equipment, you will need a laptop or desktop computer that is less than five years old. It should have a reliable internet connection and be able to run the latest versions of Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader. A printer is also essential, as you will occasionally need to need to print for your customers.

As far as software goes, there are a few essential programs you should install on your computer. Microsoft Office is the most important, as it is the industry standard for word processing and spreadsheet applications. Adobe Acrobat Reader is also essential, as many clients give you PDF files. that you should be able to open and view.

In terms of communication, you will need a Skype account so that you can communicate with your customers via voice or video chat. You will also need an email account so that you can send and receive messages from your customers .

Finally, it’s important to have a backup plan for your computer and data. This may include an external hard drive or cloud storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to setting up your virtual assistant business and ensuring you have the equipment and software needed to be successful.

1. Marketing your virtual assistant business

The internet has made it easier than ever to start your own business from home . If you have the skills and the drive, you can get started in no time. One of the most popular businesses to start at home is a real estate virtual assistant companies.

Virtual assistants provide administrative, secretarial and other support services to clients around the world, often remotely. This means you can work from home or anywhere else with an internet connection.

If you’re considering starting your own virtual assistant business , here’s everything you need to know to get started .

Step 1: Choose your services

The first step in starting your virtual assistant business is to decide what services you will offer. This depends on your skills and experience.

Some common services that virtual assistants offer include:

social media management

Email advertising

Calendar and schedule management

Customer service

Data entry



Travel planning

Event planning

You may also want to specialize in a particular industry or type of client. For example, you could focus on real estate virtual assistants or small business virtual assistants.

Step 2: Build your website and portfolio

Once you know what services you will offer, it’s time to build your website and create your portfolio. Your website will be your most important marketing tool, so it’s important to make sure it’s professional and reflects the quality of your work.

Your portfolio should showcase your best work and highlight the skills and experience that make you a great virtual assistant. If you have any relevant certifications or courses, be sure to include that as well.

Step 3: Set your rates

Next you need to set your rates. This can be a tricky task because you don’t want to price yourself out of the market, but you also don’t want to undervalue your services.

A good rule of thumb is to start by researching the going rates for virtual assistants in your region or niche. Once you have an idea of ​​what others are charging, you can set your rates based on your experience and the value you offer.

It’s also important to remember that your rates will likely increase as your business grows and you take on more clients. So don’t be afraid to start a little lower than you want and then increase your rates as your business develops.

Step 4: Find your first customer

Now it’s time to market your business and find your first customer. There are a number of ways you can do this, including:

Networking: Connect with other business owners and professionals in your industry or niche. Attend events, join online communities, and participate in online forums. You never know when someone will need a virtual assistant!

Cold pitching: Send personalized emails or messages to companies or individuals who may need your services. Make sure you research each potential client in advance so you can tailor your pitch specifically to them.

Job boards: There are a number of online job boards with virtual assistant positions, such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Creating a profile on these sites can help you get started finding clients.

Step 5: Deliver high-quality work

Once you’ve landed your first client, it’s important to deliver high-quality work that meets their expectations. This will not only help you build a good relationship with this client, but also increase the likelihood that they will recommend you to others will recommend.

To ensure you deliver quality work, make sure:

Communicate regularly: Keep the lines of communication open with your customer so you can ask questions and get clarification if necessary. This will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure you’re on the same page.

Set clear expectations: Before starting a project, discuss the scope of work with your client so there are no surprises down the road. This includes deadlines, deliverables, and any other expectations they may have.

Get feedback: Ask for feedback during the project so you can go right if necessary and ensure you’re on track. Make sure you get detailed feedback from your client at the end of the project so you can improve in the future can continue to improve.

By following these tips, you can deliver quality work that will keep your customers happy and coming back for more.

Step 6: Grow your business

Now that you have a few clients under your belt, it’s time to grow your business . There are a number of ways you can do this, including:

Referrals: Ask your lucky customers if they know anyone else who might need your services. This is one of the best ways to find new customers because it comes with a built-in level of trust.

Social Media: Use social media to promote your business and attract new customers . Make sure you post quality content that showcases your skills and experience.

Content Marketing: Besides social media, another great way to attract new customers is through content marketing. This includes creating blog posts, articles, guides, or other types of content that showcase your expertise and help solve problems for potential customers .

Growing your business takes time and effort, but it’s worth it when you start seeing more customers come through the door.

These are just some of the things you need to do when starting a virtual assistant business. By following these steps, you will be well on your way to building a successful business that provides quality services to clients around the world.


As a virtual assistant, you are responsible for a variety of tasks that can be performed remotely. This means that you can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection. One of the great things about starting a virtual assistant business is that you can You can set your own hours and work as much or as little as you want.

Another great thing about starting a virtual assistant business is that you can choose to work with clients that interest you. For example, if you are a stay-at-home mom, you may choose to work with other stay-at-home moms or companies that cater to stay-at-home moms. This will help you build a customer base that you are passionate about.

When you’re first starting out as a virtual assistant, it’s important to think about how you price your services. You want to make sure you charge enough to cover your costs and make a profit, but you also don’t want to out of the market pricing. There are a few things to consider when pricing your services as a virtual assistant.

The first thing to consider is the type of services you will offer. Do you offer administrative support, customer service, or technical support? Each of these services requires different skills and experience, so you should price your services accordingly.

The second thing to consider is the amount of time you will spend on each project. If you are only going to work on a project for a few hours, you cannot charge as much as someone who is willing to work on a project for several weeks .It’s important to think about how much time you realistically have to dedicate to each project to come up with a fair price.

The third thing to consider is the difficulty of the project. If you are working on a complex project that requires a lot of research and planning, you should charge more than someone working on an easier task. Again, this comes down to how much time you realistically have to devote to the project.

Once you’ve considered these three factors, you should have a good idea of ​​how much to charge for your virtual assistant services. Keep in mind that your rates may change over time as your experience and skills grow. Start by charging a little less than what you think you’re worth and then increase your rates as your experience grows.


As a virtual assistant, your primary focus is providing administrative support to clients who may be located in different parts of the world. While the Internet has made it easier than ever to connect with potential clients , you still have to do the work to find the right fit for find your company.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Define your ideal customer.

Before you start your search, it’s important to have a clear idea of ​​who your ideal customer is. What industry are they in? What size business do they run? What are their specific needs? Once you know who you’re looking for, you can begin your marketing efforts.

2. use social media .

Social media is a great way to connect with potential customers and get your name out there. Create profiles on relevant platforms and make sure to fill them with engaging content. Use hashtags to reach a wider audience and don’t forget to link back to your website to record.

3. Attend events and networking functions.

Another great way to connect with potential clients is to attend events and networking functions relevant to your industry. This gives you the chance to meet people in person and get your name out there. Make sure you bring plenty of business cards!

4. Get involved in online communities.

There are probably many online communities related to your industry or niche. Get involved in these communities and participate in the discussions. This will help you build your credibility and show potential customers that you know what you’re talking about.

5. Use your existing network.

Don’t forget the people you already know! Your existing network can be a great source of potential clients. Let them know you’re starting a virtual assistant business and see if they have any recommendations or referrals.

Finding clients for your virtual assistant business doesn’t have to be difficult. Using social media , attending events, and getting involved in online communities can help you reach a wide audience of potential clients . And don’t forget to tap into your existing network. leverage – they might have some great leads for you!


As a virtual assistant, time management is one of the most important skills you can have. After all, you’re usually working with clients who pay by the hour, so it’s important that you use your time wisely.

There are a few different time management strategies you can use as a virtual assistant. Here are a few of the most popular:

1. Set business hours

One of the best ways to manage your time as a virtual assistant is to set office hours. This means that you only work during certain hours of the day and that you make yourself unavailable during other hours.

This can be a great way to ensure that you get work done during the times when you are most productive. It can also be helpful to ensure that you take breaks and don’t overwork.

2. Use a time tracker

Another great way to manage your time as a virtual assistant is to use a Time Tracker. There are a number of different time trackers available, both free and paid.

Time trackers can be useful in a number of different ways. First, they can help you see how much time you spend on each task. This can be helpful in identifying areas where you might be more efficient.

Second, time trackers can also help you bill your clients accurately. If you bill by the hour, it’s important that you track your time so you can bill your clients accurately.

3. Prioritize your work

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to time management is to prioritize your work. This means identifying the most important tasks and making sure those tasks are completed first.

There are a number of different ways to prioritize your work. One popular method is to use the Eisenhower matrix , which helps you determine which tasks are urgent and which tasks are important.

4. Take breaks

It’s also important that you take breaks when working as a virtual assistant. This will help keep you fresh and focused, and it will also help prevent burnout .

There are a number of different ways to take breaks. One popular method is the Pomodoro technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break.

5. Delegate tasks

If you find yourself with more work than you can handle, it may be time to delegate tasks. This means assigning tasks to other people, either within your company or outside your company.

Delegating tasks can be a great way to free up your time so you can focus on more important tasks. It can also be helpful in ensuring that tasks are completed correctly and on time.

Uses Of Virtual Assistants For Real Estate

As a virtual assistant, you have the potential to earn a good income while enjoying the flexibility of working from home. To maximize your income and build a successful business , it is important to understand how to make your virtual assistant – can grow your business .

1. Define your niche

The first step to growing your virtual assistant business is to define your niche. What services can you offer that will appeal to your target market? When you know your niche, you can market your business more effectively and attract the right customers.

2. build a strong online presence

In today’s digital world, it is important to have a strong online presence if you want to grow your virtual assistant business. Start by creating a professional website and blog and make sure you are active on social media . These platforms can help you help reach a wider audience and promote your business.

3. Get organized

As your business grows, it’s important to stay organized and efficient. Invest in project management software or create a system that works for you. This will help you keep track of deadlines, client requests, and other important details.

4. Stay flexible

As your business grows, you may need to adjust your rates or services. Be open to change and willing to adapt as your business evolves. This flexibility will help you better serve your customers and grow your business.

5. Promote your business

Make sure you regularly promote your virtual assistant business. Attend networking events, distribute marketing materials, and get involved in online communities related to your niche. The more people you reach, the more likely you are to attract new customers .

By following these tips, you can take your virtual assistant business to the next level . With hard work and dedication, you can build a successful business that provides a great income.

What Do Virtual Real Estate Assistant Do?

The real estate industry is a fast-paced, dynamic field where only the most competitive and flexible companies can thrive. The industry is closely linked to economic developments. Recessions and high inflation rates can pose serious challenges for all players in the real estate industry, big and small. In addition to the economic downturn, there are other challenges faced by real estate professionals.




The many routine and back-office tasks that come with the business take away valuable time that real estate agents could be devoting to their core activities. Brokers spend hours of their day at a desk job instead of working on revenue-generating activities. In these cases, hiring a virtual real estate assistant can be useful.

What is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

But what does a virtual real estate assistant actually do? The short answer is, it depends. The tasks a virtual assistant handles will vary greatly depending on what you need help with and your business goals. Some focus on administrative tasks like data entry and calendar management, while others take on the role of ISA and lead the administrative tasks. In general, however,

Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate VA

a real estate virtual assistant can handle most tasks as long as they can be completed remotely. This allows you to focus on meeting with clients and closing more deals without worrying about time-consuming routine tasks. What is a real estate virtual assistant? They may perform a variety of roles, including administrative tasks, marketing tasks, assisting with real estate transactions, and other business support tasks. Thinking about hiring a real estate virtual assistant? Schedule a free consultation with one of our growth experts today and get started.

Cost savings

Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate VA According to Statista, the global real estate industry is expected to reach $729.4 trillion by 2028. This is good news for the real estate industry, but it doesn’t mean you can easily get a piece of the market. What’s your best course of action? Working with a virtual real estate assistant, of course. Hiring a real estate virtual assistant offers many benefits, including:

More time for core responsibilities

Cost Savings High inflation rates and a tight labor market are making it increasingly difficult for real estate agents to stay ahead of the competition while keeping costs down. Your best bet is to hire a real estate VA. You can hire the right real estate VA to help you for a fraction of the cost you would pay if you were to hire on-site staff (up to 80% off labor costs). Because VAs work remotely, using virtual assistant services can help you save on overhead costs like office space, equipment, and utilities. All you need to do is train your real estate VA to familiarize them with your business processes and give them access to your favorite real estate and CRM software.


Also Read: Virtual Real Estate Assistant for Agents or Brokers

15 Tasks for a Virtual Assistant in Real Estate

Many agents enter property because they are looking to be more efficient and not work harder. One method to achieve that is to get an virtual assistant real estate to assist with the monotonous tasks necessary for grow and sustain your business, and do not require an actual license in real estate or a great deal of expertise to perform.

However, it’s not always easy to determine when you’re ready to make the plunge and hire virtual assistants. A less experienced agent may not have enough work to keep the assistant active and occupied as well as it wouldn’t be worth the amount you’re paying for that assistant to keep them engaged. In contrast should you take too long before hiring an assistant, you’ll be wasting time doing tasks should be outsourced as well, which is an expense!

For the purposes of this piece, we’re considering virtual assistants exclusively, not inside sales agents (ISAs), who are licensed real estate professionals; virtual assistants aren’t as specialized, and they can’t prepare contracts or work closely and directly on transactions, but they’re easier to hire and more affordable–therefore more accessible for most agents.

Step 1: Track Your Time Spent on These 15 Tasks

To determine when it’s the right the time to engage an assistant virtual, you should spend at least a week (or one month in the case of a month) keeping track of the time you’re spending on the various activities. Make use of a time tracking app that can be used on your mobile and desktop gadgets ( RescueTime, Toggle along with Clockify are three options that are popular.)

1. Manage your calendar

The calendar of a real estate agent is busy! Virtual assistants can assist in finding the most suitable times to meet with their clients for presentation of listings or introductions to buyers and can also ensure that final walkthroughs and closings are scheduled on the agent’s calendar, and aren’t duplicate-booked.

2. Assistance with scheduling

Does this not sound like the same thing in organizing your agenda? It’s not really. The overall schedule of an agent contains tasks and events they won’t personally attend because there’s no requirement.

If you’re a listing agent, this could include organizing home tours for potential buyers, and ensuring that each gets plenty of time to tour the property and there is no overlap and sellers should have the power and capacity to move out of the home when buyers are browsing.

Agents who assist their clients with various services, like repairs or inspections may also require help scheduling the occasions, particularly when it is discovered that they are taking up to an hour each week dealing with scheduling details.

3. Response to (some) emails

Virtual assistants can’t answer all your emails (there are some transactions-related messages that they’re not capable of handling) however, If you’ve create your email inbox to use the right filters, then your assistant will clear much more than you think!

4. Making sure your website is up-to-date

One thing that is true for every business owner who has a website: no one maintains their site regularly enough! It doesn’t matter if it’s market information and details, listings that are updated or blog posts that are timely or any other enhancements to your website that you’re keeping an eye on, for a lot of agents, maintaining their site can be an entire job on its own.

In a perfect world what would be the amount of time you invest in updating your site every week or on a monthly basis? As you track your time, try your best to achieve this ideal scenario. It can help you assess whether the virtual assistant is an investment worth it.

5. Handling your bookkeeping

Agents must interact with many different accounts to accomplish their task even when you’ve got automated payments in place and in place however, it could be beneficial to have someone else overseeing your accounts in the same way as an actual company!

Utilizing a virtual assistant to assist with your bookkeeping will aid in stopping you from having to pay for services or subscriptions which you don’t use as they just didn’t come to mind and prevent any late fees due to failing to pay in time. In fact, you could request them to track expenses and mileage for tax purposes if would like!

6. Manage social media posts

Be it what you like or dislike it and social media has been an increasingly vital element of any real estate agent’s daily. While some agents hop on Facebook as well as Instagram and design a perfect listing that receives an influx of organic traffic and without even attempting some have to work hard to make their time on social media make a difference for their business.

If you’re in the latter, then hiring a virtual assistant to manage your social media accounts could prove very lucrative for you, particularly when they have some sort of experience in the field (many have).

7. Marketing for listing

From scheduling an appointment with the stager or cleaner to clean up the listing, to arranging photographers for your photographs, to writing the listings descriptions, to getting everything prepared for uploading to the MLS as well as your website and social media — essential business tasks which can be easily accomplished and improved by someone else.

To do this, you should try to record at least one item in your time-tracking and pay it full focus. If you aren’t able to do that for each listing that you visit while trying to determine the amount of time you’ve spent, you can estimate a total by comparing the one in which you completed and give lots of affection.

8. Market research trends

What is the average number of days for the local market in which you interact with the largest number of both sellers and buyers? What’s the median? What are the prices doing?

It’s likely that you’ve heard the numbers from out of the blue, but these are issues that agents need to respond to consistently and accurately You can make sure that the top and most current answers are always available by making your virtual assistant track the date when the latest data is accessible from your preferred source and then ensure that you have the latest information available.

9. Get feedback and reviews from customers

Following a successful home sales deal is concluded, many agents would like to receive a favorable feedback from their customers. The majority of agents are working on making sure the next transaction goes through and the last thing they’ve got time for is to find their former client who has moved on to their new life as a homeowner, or a former homeowner.

Do you know someone who is always available when to request for testimonials from satisfied customers? Virtual assistant!

Create a list of each transaction you’ve concluded within the last month and then look at who has provided an endorsement or review to you and who didn’t. Have you received any kudos via text or email message? Respond and ask them whether they’d like to publish the feedback as a review or utilize it as an endorsement on your site. If you don’t get any response contact them to inquire whether they’d be willing to give your feedback, either informally or informally.

Choose how often you’d want your staff member to contact previous clientele (more than three times is probably too much) And then, you’ll have an estimate of the amount of hours you’ll need to dedicate to this task.

10. Create email campaigns

After your CRM has been clean and uncluttered and streamlined, you can utilize it for a variety of nurturing activities that are difficult to find the time for, yet extremely beneficial when it comes for long-lasting lead generation. General email campaigns to those who are currently homeowners and renters who are looking to purchase are a good start, and as you fine-tune your segmentation, you’ll be able to recognize the people who are most likely to be buying or selling in the near future, rather than later and then target these individuals with more targeted emails.

It’s quite time-consuming it’s best to hire an assistant virtual who has previous experience in running and creating emails can start the process for you and manage the basics as you try to iterate and make improvements. This could mean creating segments according to the criteria you provide them and then writing the emails, placing the campaigns into the program, making sure the emails are sent without glitch, and responding to simple questions, before handing the clients to you once it’s time.

11. Make marketing materials

From listing fliers, direct mailers, to social media infographics, and even posts, an assistant virtual who has an education in either writing or design (or both) will make your marketing materials you.

Finding someone with these expertise isn’t always straightforward however If this is something you do not like and are unable to accomplish quickly, outsourcing could be a great time saver. Also, your material are always stunning!

12. Make travel plans

It may seem like a joke but if you’re practicing real estate before the pandemic threw everything in a bind, you’re likely to remember things such as attending conferences to understand more about the industry and learn about new methods. Making reservations for hotel rooms and plane tickets is another thing virtual assistants can take care of for you.

13. Making arrangements for seasonal and closing gifts

Do you present your sellers and buyers closing gifts? Are you thinking of Thanksgiving pie as well as Valentine’s Day candy? Virtual assistants are useful in arranging these presents. In the present day virtual assistants can take care of everything for you. This includes locating people who can deliver the gifts to you, unless you’d like to do by yourself in order to get face-to-face time with your customers.

14. Data processing and cleanup

Quick, is your CRM as well-organized as you believe it ought to be? (That was an unintentional question!)

The type of communication virtual assistants can (and should) be able to have with clients is limited as they’re not licensed agents however, when it comes to the most basic tasks, such as the elimination of redundant data from your system; separating your customers into sellers, buyers, homeowners, or any other category and ensuring that your contact information is current and accurate, a virtual assistant will help keep your CRM clean than you can do on your own even if it’s never exactly complete. (Nobody’s is!)

15. A few limited transactions management

Be aware of this and don’t wish to assign your virtual assistant tasks that are suitable to an ISA as they’re not qualified or authorized to respond to certain questions of clients for instance. However, a virtual assistant could assist in keeping track of the deadlines for transactions and inform you when there is an end date, for instance. They won’t be able to draft an agreement for you however, they can help with the filing of paperwork and ensure that any documents missing are retrieved or that the that all requirements are met.

Step 2: Evaluate Automated Solutions

Once you’ve gathered facts about how much time you’re spending on these various tasks, you’re now able to consider the question of whether using a virtual assistant could be the ideal solution in your problem of time management issues, or what else could be better suited to your specific situation.

There’s a downside to hiring a virtual assistant It’s time-consuming, difficult, and there’s the possibility of losing your job (meaning you’ll need to repeat the whole process again) however, you may be more successful with an outsourcing solution. Therefore, you should consider which alternatives to a human (or at the very least, to you having a human to manage and find the human) could be available to you.

To begin, take your time looking at the things on your list and determine if the your current vendors could help you meet your needs, or if you’re really in need of locate a third party to take on these tasks.

For instance, your web provider could offer ways to update your site, such as postings on your blog and managing your listing. They may also offer chatbox widget updates and design outsourcing, scheduling integrations and other methods you can add efficiency to an existing element of your business strategy.

Check each item in your list to determine whether an automated solution is available for it. Find out what the solution is specifically, and also what it will cost you.

You know what kind of commitment to time you’re making (or could be making in a perfect world) If you can save time and ultimately be less expensive rather than employing an employee take it on for one or two months and then determine if it’s working as expected and if you’d like to continue using it.

Step 3: Discern Your Total Time Opportunity Cost

At this point you should have a clear idea of the things you are spending your time doing that you could assign to an assistant virtual as well as what is appropriate outsourcing from a business standpoint.

Consider the time you could provide to a virtual assistant and then get rid of anything you’ve dealt with before. You’re likely to have at a minimum a few items that you’d rather a person handle or for which you haven’t been able to come up with a suitable solution using automation, and that’s not surprising!

The next step is to assess the remaining items and determine how much it will cost you for a virtual assistant to take care of the items for you. Certain tasks will require more expertise than others. Organizing gifts needs less targeted expertise as compared to creating marketing materials using design software, like. For every task to be completed, you should research the most popular virtual assistant rate for the task at both the low and high ends to ensure that when it’s time to make budgetary decisions, you’ll be ready.

Step 4: Imagine Your Budget

What are the budgeting choices precisely?

If you’ve an estimate of the approximate amount of the amount of time a virtual assistant could help you save, and the amount it would cost you to hire one, you’ll need to make a final calculation to decide if you want to employ one (and the amount you’ll have to spend for one) What number of additional transactions would you be able to finish each month with the time the virtual assistant saves?

Be realistic about this; if something, you should underestimate. Take into consideration the tasks you might be doing every day to increase the size of your business, or improve the number of referrals you receive, or anything else that could generate revenue for you. What impact on your business could these have on you in the short-term as well as longer-term?

While you shouldn’t be overestimating the potential for efficiency, remember to consider the amount of time your virtual assistant saves you for each transaction. If, after examining all these data and figures you conclude that, in the end the time you’ll save using the help of a virtual assistant is worth it because it’s time you can use to improve the aspects of your life balance then that’s all you’ve ever wanted!

If you’re wondering if it’s time to get an assistant virtual, it’s likely “it’s past time.” Even if the only efficiency you’re bringing to your business are the ones provided by the tools and software you’re already using, the time you’re saving could be put in your business, and spent with people who do not have a lot of contact with you or maybe a amount of both.

How a Real Estate Virtual Assistant Can Help You Close Hot Sales

Virtual assistants for real estate can help you manage properties, schedule open houses and viewings, and then follow-up on customer requests. By delegating these tasks, you can redirect your time towards closing hot sales.

Finding a specialized VA is vital to ensure the highest quality of your backstage tasks. An experienced real estate VA is able to respond quickly to customer emails, coordinate property viewings and other tasks related to marketing without a hitch.

Digital Marketing

Real estate virtual assistants can manage a variety of digital marketing tasks. They can design, update and even remove properties on platforms such as MLS, Top Producer, Zillow, Trulia, and more. They can also research properties and provide information like the amount of rooms, square footage, and occupancy. This will help you save the time you’d have spent scouring the homes for yourself and can make your job a lot easier when working with clients.

They can schedule client meetings as well as property viewings on your behalf. They can also send thank you notes and reminders to ensure constant communication with clients. They can also transfer client and property information to your CRM system, ensuring the database you have is up with the latest information and is accurate.

They will be able to analyze local trends, prices, or market developments to help you stay informed about the property market in your area. They can also write CMAs for your properties, enabling you to price properties in a way that is competitive. They can also conduct due diligence of property buyers by preparing documents like disclosure forms for buyers and buyer information forms. They are also able to assist in arranging market tours by making travel arrangements and hotel reservations. They can even order solicitors board, business cards and open house feature sheets on your behalf.

Lead Generation

Virtual assistants for real estate will manage your online presence by managing your social media channels, posting relevant content and interacting with the public. A constantly evolving digital identity is essential to growing the number of clients you have and also generating leads.

An VA is also able to oversee your site, by updating your listings, property photos videos, descriptions and photos. They can also help with property marketing materials like brochures, flyers and door-hangers. They may even design an advertisement video for your property.

We’ve all heard the adage, “The fortune is in the follow-up.” It’s vital that real estate professionals remain in contact with potential clients and re-engage expireds and FSBOs to convert them into closed sales. An experienced ISA or real estate virtual assistant can take on your circle prospecting geo-farming, contacting expired clients and FSBOs, working recommendations and following up on new leads.

A virtual assistant may also assist with managing your CRM by entering information about clients in the form of requests for documents, as well as processing paperwork for closings and appraisals. They are able to prepare and transmit electronic disclosures as well as prepare an escrow document, review it and sign documents. They also create reports that are crucial for agents, like market and lead information. They can also handle any contact, text or email requests from prospective clients, including sending property listings. They can also schedule appointments for buyers, sellers or lenders.

Listing Management

Real estate agents wear a variety of roles as they guide their clients through the process of buying or selling a property. They may be responsible for handling customer concerns, arranging appointments with inspectors and cleaners, and coordinating meetings and inspections. Virtual assistants can take care of the administrative duties to free up time for the agent.

Marketing is an essential component to succeeding in the real estate business, but it can be a time-consuming process. Virtual assistants can take care of the marketing heavy lifting for you by conducting research on leads, designing and executing email campaigns, tracking metrics and more. This allows you to concentrate on closing deals and networking.

A real estate VA could assist you with managing your properties by preparing CMAs (comparative market analysis) basing their work on recent home sales and neighborhood data, which will ensure that your properties are priced effectively. They also can compile the information for your listing, coordinate property viewings and reply to customer emails without requiring any guidance from you.

Your focus is your most important asset, so let an expert virtual assistant take on administrative tasks that prevent you from focusing on your core duties. It doesn’t matter if it’s managing inboxes planning travel arrangements or booking appointments making the right choice, hiring a Purple Powered VA can make an enormous difference to your real estate company. There will be more time to make connections, interact with clients and close deals, all with peace of mind that your back office is in good hands.


As a professional in real estate As a real estate professional, you have to stay on top of market trends and property inventory. A virtual assistant can do this for you by sourcing and analyzing data, giving insight to assist you in making informed decisions to improve your business.

For example, a virtual assistant can look up real estate properties on the market to identify similar properties for your client’s new home or office move. You can also review online listing details for red flags, such as duplicated or altered listings that are used by scammers to deceive buyers.

Virtual assistants are also useful for managing post-transaction client communications. They can help clients who are satisfied to share their experiences through reviews, and incorporate any feedback that is received into your business procedures to improve your credibility as well as the experience of your customers.

If you’re a property manager, real estate agent, property manager or broker, you should look into tapping into the talent pool of the Gig Economy to handle your everyday business tasks. This will allow you to free up your time to concentrate on improving your customer experience and developing your real estate business. Utilizing a virtual assistant you’ll have the ability to grow your operations without difficulty and enjoy unparalleled growth in the business.

You can use a virtual assistant to generate more leads

Lead generation virtual assistant is important for almost every business, whether it is in the B2B or B2C market. Why?

Because without leads, a company cannot convert prospects into customers. But entrepreneurs who are launching new products or managing the day-to-day needs of existing customers find that generating quality business leads is time-consuming. Plus, it takes expertise and a bit of creativity to create a list of people who are truly interested in buying your product or service. As a solopreneur, can you dedicate as much of your precious time as possible to data collection, contact tracing, lead generation and prospecting? Absolutely not!


Running a business requires close attention to strategic planning, financial management, hiring employees and scaling your business. As with many industries, you need to start by calculating your labor share and aligning it with your company’s strategy. Therefore, you need to prioritize tasks outside of database management and lead generation. But then who manages the leads? You can easily delegate this task by hiring a lead generation virtual assistant. This blog is about using virtual assistance services like My Mountain Mover to generate hundreds of leads for your business. But first, let’s talk about why you need a virtual assistant.


Why hire a virtual assistant for lead generation?

The truth is that a lead generation virtual assistant has the knowledge and expertise to align your business strategy and generate more leads than you could ever imagine. A skilled assistant can also convert more leads into sales with the right tools and software. Hiring a virtual assistant or a team of reliable lead generation virtual assistants will benefit your business and lifestyle. Many would agree. Virtual assistants are a much-needed source of sales relief in the post-pandemic era. You can hire one from a company like Wishup. The company offers highly trained virtual assistants specializing in over 200 skills.


When you finally find the ideal virtual assistant to work with, share your vision and goals with that person. Then, make sure the VA is motivated and ready to work.


Capturing valuable leads and increasing conversions is not just about numbers. To get quality leads, you need to be strategic about who you contact and how you target them. To do this, you need to train your virtual assistant the same way you would a traditional employee. We recommend starting with something simple and increasing the complexity as your VA becomes more competent. Below is a list of ways that a virtual assistant can help you grow your business and get more leads.


A) Research to find new leads


What good is 100 new leads if most of them don’t convert into new business? Before you waste time and money courting potential customers and clients, ask your virtual assistant to do some research online to see if your services or products would be interesting and useful to your current leads.


Usually, finding out more about your leads, such as their position within your company, the services or products they offer, and the industry or company they belong to, can help you decide if it’s worth pursuing them.